The Sreenidhi International School started in 2003 with Nursery and the first four classes - PP I, PP II, Std I and Std II in a spacious building in the Jubilee Hills area of Hyderabad city and grew upto Std.VIII by the Academic Year 2005-06.
Stds. III and above function from the new campus near Aziznagar village. The 50 acre eco-friendly campus is located amidst sylvan surroundings and provides the students the right atmosphere to study in.
The school is organised as four units.
* Unit I, the Junior school will include Std. III & Std. IV
* Unit II, the Middle school will include Std. V to Std. VII
* Unit III, the Secondary Section will include Std. VIII to Std. X
* Unit IV, the Higher Secondary section will include Stds XI & XII.
Nursery, PP I, PP II, Std I and Std II are run on the Jubilee Hills campus.
A World of Facilities
This is a multi purpose structure for various activities like drama, films, concerts both by the students and by renowned artists who visit the school periodically.
Kala Bhavan
It is the heart of the institution, literally and figuratively. It is specially designed for visual arts, exhibitions and workshops.
Sports Facilities
The school has provided ample space, equipment and infrastructure for a variety of indoor and outdoor sports. The focus of the curriculum is on achieving excellence, joy of participation, recreation and overall physical fitness.
Assembly Hall
Students gather in the Assembly Hall every day for moments of togetherness interspersed with songs and discussions.
Residential Blocks
We have top of the line residential facilities. Every student has adequate floor space with modern furnishing. The design gives each child a sense of privacy beautifully woven into the spirit of community life. Each residential block contains rooms that are spacious, well lit and well ventilated. Open air sit-out, common rooms and study areas are provided with each block. The staff quarters are attached to the hostels in a way which encourages teacher - student interaction and supervision without encroaching upon any body's privacy.
Dining Hall
The dining hall meets the international standards for hospitality in terms of space, equipment and all other facilities. The design lends itself to create a welcoming ambience and encourages social interaction.
There will be an in-house Bank for the students, to facilitate saving and other minor transactions.
The Director, Admissions,
Sreenidhi International School,
Aziznagar, Moinabad Mandal,
Andhra Pradesh,
Ph. No.64566562 / 63
The Director, Admissions,
Sreenidhi International School,
Plot No.727, Road No.37,
Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad - 500 033.
Phone: 23552362/23555423
1 comment:
Am the student of MCTM International School Chennai this year me and my parents are migrating to Aziznagar, am search for some international school there, i like to know this school affiliate to IB? Does the admission process still goes when is the last date of admission.
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